Saturday, June 9, 2012

Teaching Courses vs Teaching Experience

So, anyone who has gone to college for education probably had to do observation hours. Technically, observation hours are course related and, yet, they are not for credit. Last year, I listed my observation hours in my education classes; after rereading my app, I am going to list my observation hours as in-class experience. The reason for this is that you are getting more hands-on experience and, in my case, I participated and worked with students directly during that time. If you have ed classes and observation hours, make sure you list all of them and to your best advantage.

Now, when dealing with teaching courses and teaching experiences, there can be other issues. To finish my secondary ed minor, I took an internship. In my internship, I started a writing center at the high school I graduated from and ran it for the spring semester. Now, the problem becomes how to list this because it is a class and teaching experience. What I will be doing is listing it twice. This is because the internship was a class, we had time to meet and talk and learn. But, it was also work as an educator; I spent hours in the high school and worked with students individually, in groups, and had a few classes. Obviously, I want credit for the class part, but, even more than that, I want to get credit for working at the school, even if it was an internship.

No matter what, make sure you put down all applicable classes and experiences. Also, make sure that you put it in the best place you can and list it twice, at worst they only count it once.

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