Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Good News About TEFL/TESL and JET

So, I know a lot of people want to beef up their JET application in any way they can and a lot of people think TEFL or TESL certification is a good way to go. The sad news is that it really isn't. If your application is borderline between an interview and not, it could push you over into getting an interview, but it isn't worth a ton of points in the grand scheme of things. So, don't get a TEFL/TESL certification, unless you think it will help you later on in life or you are legitimately interested in the program that you are about to poor tons of money into.

However, I have good news! It is disheartening, when you really want to get your TEFL/TESL cert and everyone tells you how useless it is and how JET doesn't actually care about it and how you'll never actually be teaching, so it really doesn't matter. I know. I really wanted my cert, so I'm getting it anyway because I think it will help me in the future. And then someone was asking about a TEFL Advantage on the forums. The usual slew of depressing statements about how it won't matter and don't waste your money ensued, but a bright light of hope appeared. This is what was said, so take heart and know that though TEFL/TESL won't definitely get you an interview, it is something that some places in Japan do want and look for.

Re: TEFL Advantage?

Postby ZacharyFukuiPA » Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:04 pm
I can't speak for how TEFL will affect your chances in applying to JET, but as someone involved in deciding where to place JETs within my prefecture, I can speak of its influence once you're on JET. Higher level academic focused schools request ALTs with experience in teaching and some kind of certification, so if you have TEFL it can help your chances of being placed in a school with high level English learners. It's not a guarantee, of course, but it certainly is a big help. In my prefecture, the government is seeking ways to improve the quality of education and the skills of educators, and the board of education is told to seek ALTs with certification such as TEFL, CELTA, or a teaching license.

Best of luck.

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