Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Results and More Waiting

So... I'm an alternate. Which, I guess, means that I must have given some decent advice over this year. It's good to know that what I did didn't result in failure, so hopefully this blog is a good reference for everyone else.

Now, I guess I can start blogging about the rest of this as an alternate, not just an applicant. I guess I now wait for my paperwork to fill out and mail back. I need to renew my passport with my name change (the worst part is I have that all done and ready to go but I need to fax my marriage license to Sallie Mae for them to change my name, they are a bunch of assclowns) and do some other stuff for the official things.

I'm going to be honest that this sucks balls. I mean, realistically "Alternate" means accepted just no position available yet. However, it also sort of means putting life on hold some more. If I get upgraded in like September and I've gone back to school to finish my teaching license, then that kind of sucks... And it means I don't want to make any real plans because spending money on something that I may not end up doing and can't get the money back also sucks... So, the waiting is rubbish... And the not knowing you are rejected and not getting it at all until December also sucks... But, no matter how crappy it seems, it does mean that I was good enough this year, just not necessarily as good as other people, and I am happy enough with that.


  1. Hi darling. I was placed as an alternate for 2013 as well. I balled when I read the email. But since then, I have decided to be a little more positive. Think of the people accepting grad school offers. The people who will decide not to recontract (example: my friend, who is in japan right now and STILL hasn't let his BOE know if he's staying or leaving). Think of all the people who get cold feet. The people who receive their placements and are like: F THAT. So many opportunities. Let's do this! Let's be positive together. The chances are decent at this point.

    Another thing, we got ACCEPTED. Let that sink in. We might have been off by like, 1 or 2 points when it came down to it. Be strong, I know this ultimately puts us in limbo. Let's relax and enjoy being accepted, kind of <3

    1. This is exactly what I told my friend last year. She was an alternate, got upgraded in May, I think... But I told her that alternate meant accepted just waiting for her spot to open up. It's just hard to sit here TODAY and tell myself. But let's do this! We shall eagerly await our upgrades!

      The big struggle for me is I like plans and I hate changing plans. So, I can't plan because I HOPE I'm upgraded... So my lease ends June 30 and I wanted to go to a Supernatural convention if I was rejected and I've been invited to a Comic Con that my friend and her family want to fly me out for, but I can't really spend the money to do anything or pick my living arrangements unless I know what my year is going to look like... I just have OCD and lists and plans and dates and calenders are one of my things and it kills me that I don't have the option to map everything out.

  2. I was on the alternate my first time. It wasn't a great experience because it means limbo. I waited a good month after ALTs knew there placements; however, I was still on the list. To take my mind off the list, I told my coordinator to remove from it. Then I knew that the chance of being upgraded was gone, but I didn't let it stop me from gaining the experiences need to reapply again a get accepted. I joined a private ALT company, biggest one in Japan,*cough cough*. Anyways, it benefited me and when I reapplied and had the skills, BAM! I blew the interview away and got shortlisted. If you don't know in a month or two, do productive stuff and reapply again. No sense in wasting time for 6 months. If you don't know before everyone ships, you probably won't be in, but I am also wrong as well to judge how many get upgraded. I don't know the facts, but it all depends on where you landed on the interview alternate list.

    1. Well, I already decided that this is my last year applying because I want to be able to just move on and live my life. So I'll accept my status as an alternate and go about my business and if, come December, I've never been upgraded, then it is what it is. At that point, I'll begin saving up so I can make a longer trip as a vacation or something.
