Thursday, May 24, 2012

Reference Stuff!

I know, my blog is kind of boring if JET is not the only thing that you ever want to read about. But, I shall continue beating this info into myself and eventually I'll be flawless (yeah, I like to think that). Eight small tips in choosing references for success

1) Ask early. Remind often (starting in September, unless other stuff may get in the way)
2) Explain the LoR requirements clearly. Bullet points, discuss, something, just make sure they know what they need to do.
3) Ask someone who knows you well, someone that will really put out there all the things that make you a great candidate and can show how much you really want this.
4) Ask someone who will be as professional as you want to be. A really bad reference reflects back on you because that is the person you asked, they are helping to represent you. (As in my fiasco thing, I had a sloppy reference and really regretted it)
5) If you are in school, a professor is required. If you are recently graduated, a professor can still look really good, especially if they know you well and have seen how well you work and how hard you work.
6) It isn't all about professional or official education, it could be a tutor or volunteer group, just make sure it represents you.
7) Ask more than two (tons of people on the forums mention this), just in case someone fails to get you the reference on time or whatever, the third option gives you a better chance at having everything you need.
8) Make sure you pick a reference that you won't think "I wish I could read that reference because I have no idea what it says or how good it is" after. Be sure that they represent you well, followed the directions, and wrote a real reference.

Just little notes ^_^ I know it's boring and some of it is pretty obvious, but my goal in this blog was to be clear and easy for everyone. We are walking through the process slowly XD

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