Monday, October 15, 2012

Time Goes On and Paperwork Accumulates

So, I am quite enjoying getting all my things checked off on my beautiful white board ^_^ I got to pick up my reference letters on Friday, print out my SoP on Sunday, and now I need to reschedule my doctors appointment since it got cancelled this morning. But, that means I am making progress. Sadly, the main app is still not out, but that doesn't mean there aren't things to do. SoPs can still be edited, references can be collected (if you haven't done this already), and everything else.

I don't really have much of an update today, other than to say that it is a good thing to be accumulating all that paperwork. You want a folder that is bulging with all the things that will be filling your JET app packets. So, I'm going to give a list of the things I have in my folder at this point in my app timeline.

-one copy of my application from last year with notes on it
-one copy of my SoP from last year, just to reference how badly it sucked
-college ruled paper with things to note in my app (my honors, certs, placement request ideas)
-college ruled paper with my high ed institution info and my teaching background (classroom teaching, other teaching tutoring, and teacher training and ed courses; basically the format on the app last year)
-college ruled paper with international/intercultural experience and employment history
-college ruled paper with my Japan-related studies, languages, and honors/awards/scholarships
college ruled paper with my extracurricular experiences and leadership positions
-first reference letter, envelope signed and sealed
-second reference letter, envelopes signed and sealed (my prof put all three letters in their own envelopes)
-three copies of my SoP
-marriage license (I need this with my birth cert to show my name change)
-SSU transcript original, no copies yet
-MCLA transcript original, no copies yet
-UMaine IEI TESOL certification original, no copies yet
-SSU diploma, no copies yet
-Physician's Form, incomplete and to be taken with me to my doctors appointment

This means that I only need my birth certificate, my Physician's Form completed, the main app stuff, and my copies made. It is nice to be all organized and have everything prepared. On website, I think there is a page that you can print off that is a wonderful checklist, I highly recommend it. Last year, I attached this to my folder, so that I had everything checked off and collated as it needed to be. Currently, I am using my big white board for this, but the paper was awesome and very helpful ^_^

I hope everyone is having good luck with all their application stuff!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Required Docs Now Available!!!!

So, the required docs have been updated as of a few minutes ago. I thought I would post the link and remind people that this means you can get everything done now, other than the parts that are in the main application to be done online!

JET Required Docs 2013 Now Available

Check List Almost Complete

So, once I get a copier and a printer to use, I think that I have everything ready and set, other than the forms JET still needs to provide. Once the forms are available, I have to try and schedule a doctors appointment for my Physician's Form, but other than that, it is just filling out forms on my own ^_^ I'm quite excited. I am especially happy to be done with my SoP. I think that I am finished with it, though I might go back and read through it one or two more times to check for spelling or grammar errors, just in case.

I hope everyone's app preparations are going okay and people aren't having any trouble :)